Monday, May 3, 2010

Worth More Than a Thousand Words

Another element of the jazz aura is artwork. Music and and dance capture the heart and soul of jazz, and this artwork preserves that feeling. These artist transform paints and colors into the innermost images of the mind. This art is A true talent to say the least.

One of the artist I have found and enjoy is RJ Hohimer who describes his works as similar to Van Gogh and Gauguin. Personally, I think he uses simple images to enhance emotions portrayed in the image.

This painting of Hohimer reflects what I think of when I think of jazz: Fellowship, finding joy in the simple things of life, and obviously music. I love how the aura of the painting allows one to almost hear the music of the captured instruments.

This chalk drawing represents the more abstract elements of jazz artwork. And finally, this really neat photograph is a neat image of jazz.

Enjoy! If you know any other cool works, feel free to let me know.


  1. I agree with you a LOT. I really think that jazz and big band rely tremendously on fellowship, and I think that it definitely shows in the art work as well. Just a question: who is the artist of the last painting?

  2. The last artist, I believe, simply belongs to a chalking network. I do not know the artist, this was just a piece in the gallery.
